Welcome to EightEight Designs!

Thank you so much for shopping with EightEight! We’re so excited to share our homemade bookmarks and kindle accessories with you! We’ve worked so hard to make beautiful products and we hope you love them as much as we do!

About Eight Eight Designs!

EightEight designs started off originally as a business between Erin’s husband and her, selling wood burned and crafted products. Three kids and full time jobs later, EightEight has evolved. Now creating book merch - mainly bookmarks! The name comes from the date, August 8th, being the first time Erin and Joshua said ’I Love You’.

Everything at Eight Eight is designed and created by Erin. Designed/drawn, printed, laminated, cut, and packaged. Every time you choose Eight Eight, you’re supporting Erin’s dream of supporting her family with something she loves.